Home Memberships & Passes

Memberships & Passes

Whether you visit for a day or make it a daily routine, our facilities and programs will keep you active and entertained. Memberships, passes, and drop-in options are available for students, staff, and the public.

Memberships and passes must be purchased in person at the Sport and Wellness Welcome Desk.

Membership Benefits

Join our community with flexible membership options that give you and your family access to programs and facilities designed to keep you active and healthy. We offer plans for adults, kids, seniors, and students, with terms to fit your lifestyle. Choose from ongoing monthly or annual memberships.

  • Facility Access
    Enjoy full access to our pool, fitness centre, gym, and steam room—everything you need for your workout and relaxation.
  • Free Drop-In Classes
    Stay motivated with free drop-in fitness and aquatic classes. Plus, get 10% off most registered classes, rec leagues, fitness testing and personal training.
  • Convenient Perks
    Take advantage of free three-hour parking with each visit, plus four guest passes each year to bring friends and family for free.*
  • Flexible Membership
    No contracts, no cancellation fees, and the option to put your membership on hold throughout the year.

* Guest passes are not included with student memberships. Parking is not included with MacEwan Student, Student Spouse, MacEwan Employee and Employee Spouse memberships.

MacEwan Students are Members
MacEwan Students are Members

MacEwan students enrolled in one or more credits automatically receive a Sport and Wellness membership, included in tuition. This provides access to the fitness centre, pool, drop-in classes, and reduced rates on rec leagues, swim lessons and some registered courses. A discounted partner/spouse pass is also available.

Guest passes and parking are not included with student memberships.

Membership, Pass and Drop-In Rates

Daily and multi-visit passes offer flexible access but don’t include the extra perks of a membership. Passes are non-refundable, can’t be put on hold, and don’t include parking or discounts.

Day Pass Rec Swim Pass* 10-Visit Pass 1-Week Pass 1-Month Pass 4-Month Pass Ongoing
Monthly Membership

Annual Membership
Post-Secondary Student $8 $6 $72 - $45 $150** $61 $610
Adult $10.25 $8 $92.25 $25 $75 - $61 $610
Older Adult (55+) $8 $6 $72 $20 $55 - $45 $450
Corporate Adult - - - - - - $48.80 $488
Older Corporate Adult (55+) - - - - - - $36 $360
MacEwan Student Partner/Spouse - - - - - $150 - -
MacEwan Employee/Retiree $7 $6 $63 $15 $50 - $40 $400
MacEwan Employee Spouse†† $10.25 $8 $92.25 $20 $55 - $45 $450
MacEwan Alumni / Alumni Spouse $10.25 $8 $92.25 $20 $55 - $45 $450

* Rec swim passes are valid for pool use only during scheduled rec swim times.
** 4-month post-secondary student passes are only available for purchase in September, January and May.
† Proof of employment is required for corporate memberships.
†† To qualify for spouse/partner pricing, the employee must have an active membership or pass of the same type.

Day Pass Rec Swim Pass* 10-Visit Pass 1-Week Pass 1-Month Pass 4-Month Pass Ongoing
Monthly Membership

Annual Membership
Infant (under 2) Free Free - - - - - -
Child (ages 2-12) $6 $3 $54 - $35 - $26.50 $265
Youth (ages 13-17) $8 $3 $72 $15 $50 - $41.50 $415
(2 adults + 2 children)
$26 $18 $234 - $185 - $150 $1500

* Rec swim passes are valid for pool use only during scheduled rec swim times.

Locker, Towel and Equipment Rentals


Lockers inside change rooms are free for daily use but cannot be used for overnight storage. Rental lockers are available in the hallways outside the men’s, women’s, and family change rooms. Locks are required for all lockers. There is a $10 fee for retrieving items left overnight. Locker rental fees are non-refundable.

Day Use 1 Month 4 Months 6 Months 8 Months
MacEwan Student Free (lock required) $40 $75
Members & Passholders Free (lock required) $20 $45 $60 $100

Locks are required for all lockers. Day-use locks can be rented for $2 with the exchange of a valid ID. Combination and key locks are also available to purchase for $9.50.

Bundle up to Save

Get 20% off when you register for both a locker and towel service at the same time.

Our towel service makes it easy to stay fresh after your workout or swim. Rent a towel for a single visit or enjoy the convenience of a monthly towel rental package. Towel service fees are non-refundable.

Day Use 1 Month 4 Months 6 Months 8 Months
MacEwan Student $2 $40 $75
Members & Passholders $2 $20 $45 $60 - $100
Bundle up to Save

Get 20% off when you register for both a locker and towel service at the same time.

Fitness and sports equipment is available for loan at the Welcome Desk with the exchange of an ID. Items are for day use only and must be returned to retrieve the ID. A $20 fee will apply if the equipment is not returned.

Available items include:

  • Basketballs
  • Volleyballs (limited options, no net use)
  • Soccer balls (limited options, no net use)
  • Ping pong paddles and balls
  • Spikeball sets
  • Badminton racquets and birdies
  • Pickleball paddles and balls
  • Badminton and pickleball nets
  • Dip belts (with and without chains)
  • Boxing gloves (available through the Fitness Desk)
Refer A Friend
Refer A Friend

Invite a friend to join Sport and Wellness, and once they join, you'll get an extra month of membership on us! Existing members can fill out the referral form online or pick up a paper form at the Welcome Desk.

Corporate Membership Discount

Sport and Wellness offers Corporate Membership Discounts. Employees of the following organizations get 20% off regular membership rates:

  • Alberta Blue Cross
  • Alberta Government
  • Alberta Health Services
  • Cameron Corporation
  • Clark Builders
  • Downtown Community League
  • Edmonton Public Schools
  • NorQuest
  • MacEwan University Health Centre
  • Re/Max River City
  • Stantec
  • WCB

To set up a corporate discount for your business or organization, contact Andrea at 780-497-5372 or vonAlbedhyllA@MacEwan.ca

General Policies

  • Fees may be subject to minor increases.
  • No fees will be reimbursed due to annual maintenance, special events, exams, cleaning, mechanical failures, emergencies, or unexpected closures of MacEwan University Sport and Wellness facilities.
  • All facility users must comply with the Rules and Regulations of the facility.
  • Facility users are prohibited from selling merchandise, souvenirs, or renting equipment, as well as offering instruction within the facility.
  • Any advertising within the facility requires approval from the Sport and Wellness manager.
  • The use of cameras and video recording devices is strictly prohibited in all change rooms.
  • Memberships are non-transferable.

A Sport and Wellness membership card, pass, or valid MacEwan student, alumni, employee or retiree ID is required to enter the facility. Replacement cards are available for $10 (including GST).

Please report lost or stolen cards or passes to the Welcome Desk.

Day passes and multi-visit passes (including 10-visit, 1-month, and 4-month options) are non-refundable. The 10-visit pass can be transferred to another person.

Membership Policies

Memberships can be cancelled at any time. All membership cancellation requests must be submitted in person or by email; phone cancellations are not accepted. Please include your reason for cancellation, full name, member number, address, phone number, and birth date to ensure the correct membership is cancelled.

  • Membership cancellations cannot be back-dated.
  • Cancelled memberships will receive a prorated refund based on the withdrawal date.
  • There are no refunds due to lack of use, it is the member’s responsibility to cancel.
  • Monthly memberships with an unpaid declined payment will be withdrawn at the end of the month, and insufficient fund (NSF) fees will be assessed.
  • For MacEwan Employees or those with Corporate Discounts, memberships will be withdrawn by Sport and Wellness if employment status changes. Proof of eligibility is required yearly.

Monthly payments offer a convenient way to keep your membership up to date. To use this option, your credit card or bank account information must be on file. If your payment details change, please inform the Welcome Desk before the second day of the month. Monthly withdrawals will continue until you provide written notice to cancel your membership.

Declined or Failed Monthly Payments

All outstanding payments are due immediately. Memberships with an unpaid monthly fee due to insufficient funds (NSF), a closed account, or a declined credit card will be cancelled at the end of the month, and a $40 NSF fee may be applied.

Medical Holds

You can place your membership on a medical hold for a minimum of one month with a doctor’s note. Written documentation from your doctor must be provided within 30 days of the hold’s start date.

For monthly memberships with automatic payment withdrawals, fees will be paused during the medical hold, and your membership will automatically reactivate once the hold ends. No refunds will be issued for unused time if you do not return after the hold.

To extend your medical hold, please contact the Welcome Desk.

Membership Freeze

You have the option to freeze your membership for a minimum of 30 days and up to six months at no cost. Annual memberships are allowed one free freeze per membership. Monthly memberships with automatic payment withdrawals are allowed one free freeze per calendar year. Each additional freeze costs $20. No membership fees will be withdrawn during the freeze, and automatic withdrawals will resume when the freeze ends.

All freeze requests must be submitted in writing and received by the Welcome Desk staff before the freeze begins. You can complete a form in person at the Welcome Desk or email welcomedesk@macewan.ca. Please note that freezes cannot be applied retroactively.

If you return earlier than expected, speak with the Welcome Desk staff to reactivate your membership. To extend your freeze beyond six months, contact the Welcome Desk; additional fees may apply.

If you do not wish to return at the end of the freeze, it is your responsibility to cancel your membership in writing. If no cancellation is made, your membership will remain active, and no refunds will be issued for unused time.

Four (4) guest passes are included with both Annual and Monthly Memberships. These are automatically added to your member account and can be used anytime throughout the membership year. Passes expire after one year, and guests must be accompanied by the member.

Refer a friend to sign up for a membership, and you'll receive one free month added to your existing membership. To claim your free month, simply fill and submit the referral form, available both online and at the Welcome Desk.

  • The referring member must have an Annual Membership or Ongoing Monthly Membership.
  • The referring member will receive a 30-day extension on their membership, which will be applied once the referred customer has maintained an active membership for two (2) months.
  • The referred customer must be a new customer or a returning customer who has not had an active membership/pass in the last 12 months.
  • The referred customer must purchase their membership within one month of the referral date.
  • Adding time or family members to an existing membership does not qualify as a referral.
  • The incentive cannot be redeemed for cash.

Discounted memberships are available for MacEwan University staff and faculty. Eligibility is verified in PeopleSoft at the time of registration. Proof of eligibility is required annually. MacEwan Employee memberships will be withdrawn by Sport and Wellness if employment status changes.

Complimentary, three-hour parking in any surface lot on campus is included with Adult, Older-Adult, Alumni, Alumni Spouse, Retiree of MacEwan, and Family memberships.

Parking is not included with MacEwan Student, Student Spouse, MacEwan Employee and Employee Spouse memberships.

Parking access may be affected by membership freezes, medical holds, or withdrawn memberships due to NSF or non-renewal.

Vehicles not registered with Offstreet and without paid parking may be ticketed and towed at the member’s expense. If you receive a parking ticket after submitting your license plate information, notify the Welcome Desk immediately. Parking Services handles ticket distribution and reversals at their discretion.

For more details on parking and how to register your vehicle with Offstreet, visit our parking page.